Chattanooga, TN – According to the state officials, this invitation extends to members of the forest industry, including loggers, who can also seek support to bolster water quality protection measures and expand their harvesting capabilities.

Heather Slayton, the State Forester, emphasized the significance of these programs in fostering sustainable forest management practices.

“They enable private forest landowners to make meaningful investments in their woodlands while also fostering growth within the forest industry, which plays a crucial role in Tennessee’s economy,” she stated.

There’s a multitude of agencies and programs offering financial assistance to both landowners and loggers. Each program operates with its own set of objectives, eligibility criteria, and application timelines.

TDF Area Foresters are available to offer guidance to interested parties, helping them identify the most suitable programs and navigate through the requirements.

Typically, these programs function by reimbursing recipients for a portion of the costs associated with their approved projects. Reimbursement rates typically range from 50% to 100% of the costs incurred, with many programs capping the total reimbursement at $15,000 per recipient.

Forestry cost-share initiatives, which fall under the umbrella of the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP), are geared towards fostering long-term investments in the state’s forest resources. These programs offer incentives to eligible landowners, aiming to promote sustainable forest management practices across forested lands. The impact of these initiatives extends to soil protection, timber production, wildlife habitat preservation, and the safeguarding of clean water resources.