Chattanooga, TN – According to the officials, Senior Firefighter Mansfield and Firefighter McCullough from Quint 14 Blue Shift, along with Firefighter Ortiz from Engine 9 Blue Shift, have been honored with medals for their heroic actions during a recent fire that resulted in two lives being saved.

The incident occurred on June 24, 2024, in Alton Park on Fagan Street.

On that day, Mansfield and McCullough entered a burning home and rescued two victims trapped inside. Mansfield dragged the first victim through the house to the kitchen door and then re-entered to assist McCullough in rescuing the second victim, who was entangled and needed to be freed in near-zero visibility conditions. Ortiz later joined them in the hallway, and together, they successfully extracted the second victim. Due to the urgency of the situation, they conducted the rescue without a handline, despite the front room being fully engulfed in flames after their entry.

Both victims were transported to the hospital with serious injuries related to smoke inhalation. They were later transferred to Vanderbilt Medical Center for further treatment and are currently recovering from their injuries. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Mansfield and McCullough received the Medal of Heroism, while Ortiz was awarded a life-saving medal for his role in the rescue operation. Their bravery and quick actions exemplify the dedication and courage of the Chattanooga Fire Department.