Cleveland, TN – According to the officials, the exercise aimed to enhance the readiness and proficiency of the rescue teams in handling high-risk scenarios.

During the drill, the crews rigged a high-angle rope system to enter a train car and retrieve a downed worker.

This complex operation tested their skills and ensured they are prepared for real-life emergencies that may require similar rescue techniques.

The Cleveland Fire Department expressed their gratitude to ADM for granting access to their facility, which provided a realistic and challenging environment for the drill.

Such partnerships are crucial in helping the department maintain a high standard of preparedness and response capability.

Special Operations crews regularly engage in these training exercises to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and experience necessary to handle confined space rescues safely and efficiently.

The collaboration with ADM exemplifies the importance of community partnerships in enhancing public safety.

The Cleveland Fire Department remains committed to continuous training and improvement, ensuring the safety and well-being of the community they serve.