12 Mar 2025



Newborn suffered bruising to both eyes, swelling and scratch to the face after mother hit her one day before leaving the baby alone in the backseat of her vehicle while she went to work; mother charged

Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA – The 21-year-old North Carolina mother, Nikkita, was taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges, including intentional child abuse resulting in serious physical injury after the last week’s incident left her 1-month-old child seriously injured. Authorities say the baby suffered…


Woman praised her partner for supporting her during her darkest moments only to be fatally shot by the man, who was drunk and began throwing things in their home, before shooting both his spouse and their daughter, seriously injuring the younger woman

Indianapolis, IN – A 46-year-old Indiana man, who was intoxicated and was throwing things inside the family home, pulled out a gun and shot two of his close family members before turning the weapon on him and taking his own life. The fatal incident occurred…