New Jersey – According to the court documents, the 31-year-old dad, later identified as Cristopher, was sentenced to 25 years behind bars in connection with his child’s death three years ago. Prosecutors say the defendant was sentenced after he was found guilty of endangering the weIfare of a chiId and aggravated manslaughter. The child died in April 2021, just two weeks after his dad forced him to run on a treadmiII, court records say.

During the sentenced on Friday, the 31-year-old dad claimed he didn’t kill his 6-year-old son, Correy, and regrets not bringing him to the hospital sooner because ‘he didn’t know how sick he was and just thought he was tired’. Prosecutors claim the child was reportedly forced to run on a treadmiII at high speeds as a form of punishment. According to the court documents, prosecutors also presented video which showed the parent ‘increasing the speed on the treadmiII, causing his child to fly off and fall at least 6 times.

After each fall, the dad told his child to get back and run. According to the prosecutors, intense exercise regime came as a result of the father believing his child was too fat. Two weeks after the incident, the child woke up stumbling around and slurring his words. The father then took his child to the hospital, where doctors performed CT scan and discovered that the child’s injuries were severe. The boy was pronounced dead the same day. The medical examiner told investigators that the child suffered blunt force trauma to his body and lacerations to his Iiver and heart. The child’s mom, Breana, reportedly filed for emergency custody after she noticed her son’s bruises and learned about the incident.

The woman even took her son to the hospital, where the doctor told her that ‘her child didn’t had any infection or respiratory distress. Just one day later, the boy was pronounced dead. During the sentencing, the victim’s mom reportedly said: “He has no remorse for any of the actions he committed. His own remorse is because he got caught and convicted. Everything he had done to Correy was done out of spite to me. Another reason is he is sick in the head and used Correy as his punching bag. He never had an ounce of love for Correy, he was just an inconvenience to his life.”