Welcome home Chattanoogians
Chattanooga Daily News is a nonprofit website whose mission is to provide high-quality journalism for people who care about Chattanooga. We publish online at www.ChattanoogaDailyNews.com
Chattanooga Daily News provides news and analysis based on reporting by professional journalists, many of whom have decades of experience in journalism.
The site also includes commentary pieces from the community, and comments from readers on individual stories. Chattanooga Daily News does not endorse candidates for office or publish unsigned editorials representing an institutional position. We encourage broad-ranging, civil discussion from many points of view.
We believe that in-depth, civic-minded journalism is a community asset that sustains democracy and quality of life, and we need people who believe in it to support our work. Our work is funded by individual donors, foundations, advertisers and sponsors.
Our mission is to enrich the mind and nourish the spirit, thereby enhancing the lives and expanding the perspectives of our visitors, and assisting them in strengthening their communities.
We will be the leader in creating trusted and meaningful experiences with and for curious people.