Kansas City, MO – According to the police officials, the 36-year-old man, later identified as Toni, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including: first-degree murder, kidnapping, tampering with evidence and other charges after he reportedly started beating his ex-girIfriend before tying her to a chair, taking her to a remote area, shooting her in the head and burying her in a shaIIow grave. 

The suspect’s girIfriend, later identified as 40-year-old Brandy, was also taken into custody and she faced the same charges, court records say. The woman reportedly helped her boyfriend with the crime. The investigation began last month after the victim’s family reported 43-year-old Ammy missing. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the 36-year-old man started beating the victim following an argument. The man, helped by his girIfriend, then tied the woman and put her in his vehicle.

The duo then took the victim to a remote place, where the 36-year-old shot her in the head and then put her body in a hole he just dug. During an interview with investigators, the 40-year-old girlfriend reportedly admitted to the crime and took authorities to the victim’s remains. The woman also said that her boyfriend spent the entire day burying his ex in the grave, covering her with large rocks.

While he was doing that, the woman was looking out and making sure no one came to the area. Last year, the victim called the authorities on the 36-year-old man after he punched her so hard she lost consciousness because he was upset she took the last cigarette. On another instance, the suspect reportedly hit her several times with a wooden board. According to the court documents, both cases were pending.