Wisconsin – According to the court documents, the 33-year-old defendant, later identified as MaxweII, was charged with first-degree intentionaI homicide, mutiIation of a corpse, arson and other charged after he killed the woman on their initiaI date. Prosecutors now claim the defendant reportedly planned to kill the woman one month before. 

According to the court documents, criminaI lnformant, who is reportedly the defendant’s friend, reportedly said that MaxweII took him to his home and showed him his basement covered with tarp. The lnformant, who was not identified, also told authorities that the defendant also had several saws and told him that he planned to take his date down to the basement before shooting her. The defendant also told his friend that he then planned to dlsmember her body and dispose of the parts in different locations, WISN reported.

The investigation process began earlier this year after authorities found a body part in water near a park. The victim’s family reportedly the woman missing one day before the part was found. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the woman first met with the defendant one day before she was killed. 

During the investigation process, authorities also found traces of bIood in the defendant’s bedroom and basement. Surveillance video reportedly showed the defendant and the victim going to the defendant’s home. The victim’s phone reportedly showed that it left the defendant’s home around 1 a.m. and then traveled to the park where the body part was found. Several hours later, the victim’s car was found on fire. Surveillance video also showed the defendant getting on a bus near the location where the vehicle was set on fire.