Phoenix, AZ – According to the court documents, the 66-year-old defendant, later identified as Timmothy, will be sentenced next month after he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and concealing a body on Wednesday, court records say. Prosecutors claim the defendant killed his former Iover, 49-year-old Amy, who moved to live with him from Illinois several years ago, so she could start a new life. 

The investigation process began in October 2020 after the 49-year-old woman was reported missing by her family members. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the defendant brutaIIy murdered the woman before burying her body in his backyard. The defendant then became worried that someone would find the remains, so he removed her body from the ground, dlsmembered her in several pieces and put the body parts in different trash cans. 

During an interview with investigators, the defendant reportedly confessed to killing the victim. Last year, the defendant reportedly switched to insanity defense, claiming that he suffered from a traumatic brain injury that resulted in him not knowing what he was doing when he killed his former Iover.

He reportedly told investigators that the victim reportedly began yelling at him and ‘he lost it’. He then choked the woman to death and left her body in the apartment for two days. He then told officials he wrapped the victim in a tarp and buried her in a backyard. He then exhumed the body after he became worried, dlsmembered her body, and placed the remains in separate bags in trash cans throughout the city.