Tennessee – The Tennessee Board of Parole will hold Executive Clemency hearings on Tuesday, March 25, through Wednesday, March 26, at its downtown Nashville office, located at 500 James Robertson Parkway in the Davy Crockett Tower, fourth floor.

The hearings will begin at 10 a.m. Central time on March 25 and at 9 a.m. on March 26.

The Board is responsible for reviewing all clemency requests, including pardons, commutations, and exonerations, and then submitting non-binding recommendations to the Governor for consideration.

The Governor is the only authority who can grant Executive Clemency.

These hearings are open to the public.

The Board of Parole is an independent seven-member body appointed by the Governor.

It makes decisions regarding which eligible offenders will be granted parole and placed under community supervision for the remainder of their sentences.

The Board also has the authority to revoke parole for offenders who fail to adhere to the conditions of their supervision.