Indianapolis, IN – According to the police officials, the 75-year-old parent, later identified as Rosie, was arrested and later charged with negIect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury and lntimidation after she refused to help her disabIed daughter after the paraIyzed woman well from her bed and was unable to get up on her own.

The disabIed woman, who is suffering from cerebral palsy, paralysis on the left side and other physical/mental impairments, remained there for a week after her mom refused to help. The investigation process began after the 40-year-old victim was able to reach her phone and call the authorities. The woman told the dispatcher that she was on the floor for a week after her mom refused to help her, even after the much older woman, who is also the caregiver of her daughter, was aware of the fall.

First responders arrived on scene and realized that the woman fell between her bed and a wall. According to the officials, the woman had been urlnating and de-ecating on herself, and when first respondents moved the victim, her skin ripped from her body. Authorities also stated that magots were also found in some of the wounds.

During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that teh mother was aware of the fall, but refused to help her daughter because she wanted her daughter to get up on her own. The parent reportedly brought food and water for her daughter while she was on the floor, police officials said. During an interview with investigators, the 75-year-old woman reportedly said that she was not able to help her daughter get up. The woman also said that she made several attempts over several days to get her daughter off the floor. This incident remains under investigation.