Charlotte, N.C. – According to the court documents, the 25-year-old mom, later identified as EmiIy, and her 54-year-old mother, later identified as Sherie, were taken into custody last week and later charged with multiple charges, including child abuse causing serious bodily injury after reportedly leaving EmiIy’s two little children, 1-year-old baby and 2-year-old toddler, with serious injuries. 

The investigation process began last year after the 1-year-old baby and 2-year-old toddler suffered serious injuries, including broken bones, severe burns and bite marks over their bodies. During an interview with investigators, the children’s mom and grandparent reportedly blamed ‘splrits’ for the children’s injuries. They reportedly claimed that ‘there’s splrits that were in the house at the time that caused these injuries.’

During the investigation process, authorities also discovered that both children also tested positive ‘for the presence of fentanyI’, court records say. The children’s mom and grandparent also told authorities that they used a game board to talk to the dead, which they used it to ‘conjure eviI splrits. 

Per reports, the children also had bruising and damage to their skin which they both failed to report. Authorities say the children’s mother and her parent were responsible for the severe injuries and both are being held on $250,000 bond. The 54-year-old defendant is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 7, while her daughter still doesn’t have another hearing scheduled.