Nashville, TN – According to the police officials, the 44-year-old parent, later identified as Mirriam, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including: domestic assauIt, aggravated chiId abuse and neglect after she picked her child from school, while intoxicated, only to bit the child’s arm and stab the boy after he attempted to take the car keys out of the egnltion, just like his dad told him. 

This unfortunate incident occurred on Tuesday, police officials said. The mother, who was under the infIuence, picked her child, who was not identified due to his age, from school. The woman picked her son and was on her way to pick her other child from elementary school. The woman attempted to push her son out of the vehicle as well.

While in the vehicle, the unidentified child called his dad, who reportedly told him to take the car keys out of the lgnition when his mom would stop the vehicle. The child then attempted to take the keys, only for the mother to bit the child’s arm and then stab him with a scrwdriver. 

The child then exited the vehicle and the woman began chasing him. Witness, who was not identified, saw the incident and helped the child. The responding officers made contact with the mother, who reportedly admitted to drinking. The responding officers couldn’t get a statement from the woman because she was lntoxicated. The child was treated for his injuries and later released to his dad.