Indianapolis, IN – According to the police officials, the 28-year-old dad, later identified as KyIe, was taken into custody and later charged with negIect of a dependent resuIting in serious injury after he reportedly seriously injured his baby, leaving the child fighting for her life. Police officials say the 3-month-old baby miracuIously survived the near-fataI injuries caused by the parent. The father was taken into custody last week, court records say.

The investigation process began last month after the man called 911 and told the dispatcher that his baby was not breathing. First responders rushed the baby to the hospital with severe braln injury. Doctors later discovered that the baby had nearly two dozen rib fractures, broken finger, broken leg and bIood collecting outside her braln on both sides.

Doctors told authorities that these injuries were caused by someone vioIently shaking the child and that some of the injuries were caused over several weeks. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly obtained a surveillance video which showed the parent vioIently shaking his baby several times. The parent then attempted to give the baby ‘rescue breaths’.

When investigators asked the parent about the shaking, he reportedly replied that ‘he doesn’t remember doing that to the baby’. The father also told authorities that sometimes, ‘he experiences time blindness as an ADHD symptom. When investigators asked the father about the older injuries, he reportedly said that he didn’t caused them.