Chattanooga, TN – The Chattanooga Police Department recently hosted a Master Public Information Officer (PIO) course, organized by the FBI-LEEDA. The advanced training builds on the FBI-LEEDA Media & Public Relations course, designed to elevate public information professionals to a strategic level of media and brand management.

Among the graduates were CPD’s Sgt. Victor Miller and Social Media Coordinator Austin Riddle. The class, attended by law enforcement professionals from nine different states, focused on strengthening skills in public communication. Participants learned how to foster trust through effective media engagement and transparency, utilize social media and digital tools to connect with the community, and share timely and accurate information. The course also covered navigating media landscapes during critical incidents.

FBI-LEEDA is a national organization that provides leadership and management training to law enforcement agencies across the country.

The department congratulates Sgt. Miller and Austin Riddle for successfully completing the rigorous training program.