Cleveland, TN – According to the police officials, Class 18 had an engaging and educational experience last week, gaining an in-depth look at the agency and its specialized teams.

The participants, eager and curious, asked numerous insightful questions and enjoyed trying out various gear.

Highlights of the week included interactive sessions with the Crime Scene Unit and the Bomb Squad, both of which were particularly popular with the kids.

The academy provided a unique opportunity for the youth to learn about police work and the importance of community safety.

The program emphasized hands-on activities and real-world applications, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the police force.

The department expressed gratitude to all the sponsors who provided delicious treats and lunches, enhancing the overall experience for the participants.

Looking ahead, the Cleveland Police Department encourages everyone to stay tuned to their Facebook page for information about the 2025 Youth Police Academy dates, which will be posted in the spring.