Minneapolis, MI – According to the court documents, the 40-year-old husband, later identified as Robbert, was sentenced to more than three decades behind bars after he killed his wife last year. Prosecutors say the defendant must serve at least 22 years in prison before he will be eligible for parole. Last year, the defendant grabbed a large knife and stabbed his partner to death in front of his family members. Prosecutors claim the husband reportedly killed the woman shortly after she filed for divorce.

The investigation process began in March last year after the 911 caller told the dispatcher that a husband stabbed his wife in front of them. The responding officers discovered that the family members disarmed the defendant after he stabbed the woman to death. The 41-year-old woman suffered life-threatening injuries and was later pronounced dead. 

During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the victim and her husband started having marriage problems after the defendant discovered that his wife wanted a divorce. Authorities say the defendant stabbed his wife to death at his sister’s home. The victim’s mom told investigators that she found divorce papers in her daughter’s car after she was killed by her husband.

The family members told investigators that the husband and the victim arrived together and sat on the sofa. Shortly after, the defendant whlspered something to the woman while holding her hand. The woman reportedly shook her head no before her husband grabbed a large knife and stabbed her two dozen times. The defense attorney argued that his client, who was 8 prior feIony convictions, was in a state of psychosis when he killed his wife because he was a longtime drug addict.