10 Mar 2025



“The N-word was broadcast on campus”, High school administrator claims she was forced to quit her job after she was racially bullied by parents, students and colleagues and the school district failed to protect her

The high school vice principal says she was forced to quit her job because she claims she was the victim of racism for years and said the school district failed in preventing such incidents. These racially motivated incidents reportedly led the school administrator to attempt take…


TDEC, TennGreen Land Conservancy and Fentress County residents celebrated the transfer of 227 acres of land to the Pogue Creek Canyon State Natural Area

Fentress County, TN – According to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, this is a donation from the Allardt Land Company and it transfers land along Stewart Creek Gorge to the state. State officials have announced that the 3,000-acre Pogue Creek State Natural Area contains sandstone cliffs,…


“I was confused on why she would write that on my arm”, Parents claim the school administration refused to investigate and discipline white classmates for writing the N-word on their son’s paper and on his arm

Parents claim the school’s principal and assistant principal refused to investigate and discipline the white classmates for writing the N-word on their son’s paper and on his arm. The couple said their son came home from school with a racial slur written on his arm. But, the school…