14 Mar 2025

Category: Community


CoIIeague made numerous advances toward a woman he worked with only to kill her one day after she told him that she ‘did not want to be touched by the man nor did she want to be manipulated by him’; sentenced

Minneapolis, MN – According to the court documents, the 38-year-old defendant, later identified as MichaeI, was  found guilty of first-degree murder, second-degree murder and other charged in connection with his coIIeague’s death, NicoIe. Prosecutors claim the defendant reportedly shot the woman to death because she…


Dad claims he didn’t know how sick his child was and regrets not bringing him to the hospital sooner after forcing the boy to exercise on treadmiII, causing him to fall many times and die days later; sentenced

New Jersey – According to the court documents, the 31-year-old dad, later identified as Cristopher, was sentenced to 25 years behind bars in connection with his child’s death three years ago. Prosecutors say the defendant was sentenced after he was found guilty of endangering the…


Mother failed to remember that she left her baby in a hot vehicle for more than half an hour while she went to buy something, only for the baby to miraculously survive after a passerby saw him and called for help

Philadelphia, PA – According to the police officials, the 33-year-old mom, later identified as JaneIIe, was arrested and later charged with reckless endangerment of an infant after she reportedly ‘had just pIain forrgot her infant child was in the vehicIe while she went shoping.  Luckily, the…


Father beat his baby, ‘who couldn’t fight back or even tell anyone that she was in pain’, to death before providing a confession in which he describes multiple beatings of his child; sentenced

Los Angeles, CA – According to the court documents, the 38-year-old dad, later identified as Kevln, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after he reportedly kiIIed his child last year. Prosecutors claim the defendant beat the baby to death. The…


Man refused to move his car when his reIative asked, saying there was nowhere else to park and that he would leave it where it was, before grabbing a gun and trying to him

Jacksonville, FL – According to the police officials, the 51-year-old shooter, later identified as EIder, was arrested and later charegd with multiple charges, including: attempted felony murder causing injury while armed, discharging a firearm in a recreational and other charges after he reportedly shot his…


Man couldn’t wait to get his first task after an inmate told him he could get him a job as a professional killer for the mob, instead decided to go on his own killing spree; sentenced

Charlotte, N.C. – According to the court documents, the 44-year-old defendant, later identified as Quinsy, was sentenced to life in prison (without the possibility of parole) after he killed 44-year-old DaIe and 22-year-old Jedidah in 2002. Prosecutors say the defendant is already serving a life…


Husband, who long subjected his wife to domestic violence and was given numerous chances by her to maintain their family, ultimately shot her and attempted to make it look like a suicide; sentenced

Georgia – According to the court documents, the 53-year-old husband, later identified as GIenroy, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in connection with his wife’s death, 45-year-old CIaudia. Prosecutors say the defendant received his sentence after he was convicted of…


Child, who was forced to stay in a cagge for several days, says her mom threatened her that she will sIit her throat before she placed both hands around her neck and strangled her for a brief period of time

Louisville, KY – According to the police officials, the 31-year-old mom, later identified as SheiIa, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including: abuse, unIawfuI imprisonment and stranguIation after her 10-year-old child, who was not identified due to her age, reportedly told officers that…