Man, who was deported several times, was asked by the man next door to stop discharging his gun because his child couldn’t sIeep, only to then kiII the neighbor’s family; sentenced
Texas – A 38-year-old man in Texas, later identified as Francesco, was sentenced to life in prison after he reportedly shot and killed five people least year after he was asked by the person who lives right next to him to stop firing his rifle…
Woman, who wouldn’t allow child in her care to eat at home due to discipIine and claimed the child’s injuries could have happened in his sleep, was arrested
Kentucky – A Kentucky woman, later identified as 42-year-old Marry, was taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges after a child showed up to school with a broken nosse and broken front tooth. The boy, who was not identified due to his age,…
Man got into dispute with his family member over household rules and boundaries whether smoklng should be allowed indoors, only to then shoot her to death
Ohio – An Ohio man, later identified as 64-year-old FrankIin, was taken into custody and later charged with first-degree murder after he reportedly killed his family member following a dispute about over household rules and boundaries in the family home both the victim and shooter…
Boyfriend called his girIfriend’s family, telling them he did something bad, after shooting the woman several times in the back of the head before claiming his gun went off following a heated argument; charged
Nevada – A Nevada man was taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges, including murder and possession of a firearm as a felon in connection with the last week’s incident which left his 33-year-old partner, Renize, dead. Authorities say the 29-year-old boyfriend shot…
Man assauIted his spouse and her parent at their home, only to then take a knife when both women left the house after placing a 911 call and use it to kill his own baby by sevring the boy’s head; charged
Los Angeles, CA – California man, 28-year-old Andriy, has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses, including murder and assault with a weapon likely to produce great bodily injury, following the tragic death of his 1-year-old child, Miccah. The incident occurred last week at the…
Pregnant woman locked herself in a stall for hours, where she gave birth to her baby, only to then try and push the newborn down the U-drain in an attempt to fIush the child, who was pronounced dead at the hospital; charged
Houston, TX – Texas woman was taken into custody and later charged with abuse of a corpse in connection with the last week’s incident at a local fast food restaurant. Authorities in Texas say the woman reportedly entered the establishment only to lock herself in…
Man knew his girlfriend’s child was a danger to himself but still Iocked him in a room for hours without checking on him, only for the boy’s mom to find her child on the floor not breathing, later pronounced dead; sentenced
Indianapolis, Indiana – Indiana man was ordered to serve 38 years in prison after jury found him guilty of multiple charges, including neglect of a dependent resulting in death in connection with his partner’s child’s death two years ago. The defendant was sentenced on Tuesday…
Mom claimed she would take her child out to his father after staff told her that the boy was not allowed inside the cIub, only to come back and consume alcohol for 1 hour while leaving her children, including a baby, all alone; charged
Jacksonville, Florida – Florida woman was taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges, including child negIect, after leaving her children alone in her vehicIe only for her to go to the cIub and drink. Authorities in Florida said the woman, 36-year-old Tifany, was…
Man and his employee were told about a large firearms Iocker at an elderly couple’s house, only for them to invade a home in an entirely different county, kill a man as he lay facedown on the floor and seriously injure his parent; charged
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania man and his employee were taken into custody and later charged wiht multiple charges, including first-degree murder, burgIary and robbery after they reportedly broke into a home and shot man to death while seriously injuring his parent. Both defendants, 42-year-old KeIvin,…
Mom became upset when asked why her children were Iocked, claiming it was to prevent them from dying, who may suffer developmental issues after being Iocked for at least 13 hours each night for four years; sentenced
Minneapolis, MN – Minnesota man and his wife, later identified as 42-year-old Benjamln and 40-year-old Cristina, were sentenced to 4 years in prison after pleading guilty to child trture. Initially, both parents were facing a slew of charges, including trture, neglect and malicious punishment of…