The Chattanooga Police Department celebrated the graduation of five officers from the Southeastern Leadership Academy
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, Lt. Rusty Morrison, Lt. Kyle Moses, Sgt. Joshua May, Sgt. Jeff Miller, and Sgt. Jason Wood successfully completed the program, designed for mid-management personnel in law enforcement. The academy, coordinated by the University of Tennessee’s Law Enforcement…
Clarksville Fire Rescue, alongside volunteers, canvassed a local neighborhood to install smoke alarms in homes needing them
Clarksville, TN – According to the statement, Clarksville Fire Rescue, alongside volunteers from the Red Cross Tennessee River Chapter, Austin Peay Baseball and Softball teams, and the APSU College of Business, canvassed a local neighborhood this past weekend to install smoke alarms in homes needing them….
The Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s Tullahoma Driver Services Center will temporarily close on Oct. 31 for the installation of new credentialing equipment and self-service kiosks
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, the center, which is located at 307 Industrial Blvd, is set to reopen on Friday, Nov. 1. The Knoxville Driver Services Centers and Driver Services locations at Anderson, Campbell, Carter, Knox, Loudon, Scott, and Union County Clerk partner locations will…
Drivers on Interstate 40 in Henderson and Madison Counties should expect lane closures next week as Tennessee Department of Transportation contract crews perform resurfacing work
Chattanooga, TN – According to the TDOT officials, the lane closures will be in effect daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT, October 28 through November 1, weather permitting. – **Monday, October 28**: East and westbound lanes at mile marker 98.2 in Henderson County…
Man became upset after observing how the worker was making his food order, believing it was prepared unsanitarily, only to shoot the store owner since ‘he became loud with the shooter and said he would do something to him’
Milwaukee, WI – According to the police officials, the 38-year-old shooter, later identified as CharIes, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including first-degree reckless homicide using a dangerous weapon and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon convicted after she…
Man described and requested specific ilndecent acts, even told the child to keep their conversation a secret without regard for her age, only to realize he was messaging with lnvestigators who later took him into custody
Phoenix, AZ – According to the police officials, the 37-year-old man, later identified as Issaiah, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including luring a minor for se-ual exploitation and attempting to commit se-ual conduct with a minor. Police officials said the man asked…
CPD officers attended Stop Gun Violence & Youth Violence Conflict Resolution Seminar at the Avondale Community Center
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, Officer Mayweather and Sergeant Holmes recently attended the Stop Gun Violence & Youth Violence Conflict Resolution Seminar at the Avondale Community Center. The event saw an impressive turnout, with community members and youth gathered to address critical issues…
DEA’s Prescription Drug Take Back Day set for tomorrow, offering residents chance to safely dispose of unused or expired medications
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., several designated locations will serve as drop-off points across the area. Unused medications, especially opioids, present numerous risks in the home. Studies have shown that 15% of students in grades 7…