Jacksonville, FL – According to the police officials, the 51-year-old shooter, later identified as EIder, was arrested and later charegd with multiple charges, including: attempted felony murder causing injury while armed, discharging a firearm in a recreational and other charges after he reportedly shot his family member 4 times. The responding officers discovered that the victim suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. 

This unfortunate incident occurred on Saturday. Officers responded to a shooting call only to realize that the suspect shot his family member following an argument about a parklng spot. The shooter was also at the scene when officers arrived. During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the victim and the shooter reportedly started fighting over a parking space. 

Per reports, the victim, SaIinas, told the shooter to move his car, but he reportedly refused. EIder reportedly told the victim that ‘there was nowhere else to park and that he would leave the vehicle where it was.’ The victim then reportedly told the shooter ‘why he was acting tough when his wife ran the house’.

Shortly after, the 51-year-old suspect reportedly grabbed his gun and placed it on his family member’s neck. The victim then pleaded for his life before EIder started shooting. Three of the bullets ended in the victim’s leg and one in his arm. The 51-year-old shooter is being held without bond, court records say. The shooter’s weapon was previously reported stolen, court records say.