Jacksonville, FL – According to the police officials, the 19-year-old woman, later identified as EmiIy, was arrested and later charged with aggravated battery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after she reportedly arrived at her ex-boyfrlend’s house only to stab his new girIfriend in the chest, seriously injuring her.

This unfortunate incident occurred last week, police officials said. Officers responded to a disturbance call and discovered that the 22-year-old victim, who was not identified, suffering from several stab wounds. The woman was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, officials say. The responding officers then talked with the victim’s 26-year-old boyfrlend, who is also the suspect’s ex-boyfrlend, who reportedly told them that he was sitting with his girIfriend at his mom’s house when they heard knocking on the door. 

The man then looked through the window and realized that it was his ex. The 26-year-old man went to his mother to explain why his ex was coming to his house, knowing that she would be upset about it. In the same time, his present girIfriend answered the door, only to be stabbed by the visitor. The boyfriend and his mom heard screaming from the front door and then saw that his girIfriend was lying on the floor, covered in blood. The attack was also caught on surveillance camera in the home, police officials say. 

According to the boyfriend’s mom, her son reportedly came to her room to ‘tell her not to worry because he had the situation under control’. Few moments later, the woman heard the victim screaming for help and saying ‘she stabbed me’. The older woman also saw the suspect standing in the doorway yelling and acting irrational. Shortly after the incident, the 19-year-old woman was taken into custody. She reportedly told authorities that she went to her ex’s house to cIosure after they reportedly got into an argument earlier in the day. The woman also admitted to stabbing the victim and then tossing the knife into an unknown yard. She is being held without bond, court records say.