Cleveland, OH – According to the police officials, the 28-year-old mom, later identified as AngeIina, her 47-year-old uncle, Robbert, and her 29-year-old boyfriend, later identified as TayIor, were taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges, including: endangering children, obstructing justice, tampering with evidence and others after they reportedly handcufed AngeIina’s child and then tried to tie the little boy to a chair. The 6-year-old child then fell of the chair and while he was on the floor, he was mauIed by Robbert’s dog. 

The responding officers discovered that the child suffered serious injuries on his neck and head, and was rushed to the hospital. During the investigation process, authorities discovered that the mother was living with a family member, Robbert, who was the owner of the house and the dog. The responding officers also discovered that the adults used handcufs to restrain the child’s feet and arms. Shortly after, they tried to tie the boy with a rope to a chair, as a form of punishment.

While they were trying to tie the child, the little boy fell to the floor only to be attacked by Robbert’s pit buII. The responding officers quickly took the mother and her boyfriend into custody, while the 47-year-old owner was found hiding upstairs. During an interview with investigators, the child’s mom reportedly said that she ‘didn’t even know the cufs were illegal or anything was wrong with it’. The woman also said that ‘her uncle told her it was OK.’ 

Police officials said the mother didn’t have custody of her son or her daughter, but the children were with her for a visit when the incident took place. Authorities also discovered that the adults handcufed the child because he did not clean up after a dog. Animal control deemed the dog vicious and confiscated it. The 28-year-old mom is being held on $300,000 bond, Robbert (SEE PHOTO) is being held on $150,000 bond and the mother’s boyfriend is being held on $250,000 bond.