14 Mar 2025

Category: Community


Man told police he and his spouse had an argument only to find her unresponsive hours later, claiming she took her own life after he intentionally and knowingly applied pressure on her neck, causing her and her unborn child’s death

Houston, TX – According to the police officials, the 38-year-old man, later identified as Llee, was arrested and later charged with capital murder after authorities say he killed his partner, later identified as 38-year-old Christy, by strangIing the woman to death, then claimed the woman…


Mom and dad watched their baby get worse and worse and waited to bring her to the hospital, even after the infant was left partially paraIyzed and vomlting bIood caused by their injuries, resulting in her death

Houston, TX – Police officials released a statement, saying that the 23-year-old mom, later identified as Jasmlne, and the 25-year-old dad, later identified as GIenn, were arrested and later charged with causing serious bodiIy injury to a child in connection with their lnfant’s death. Police…


Man blamed his friend’s wife for his relationship’s problems while he dated the friend’s sister and thought the woman was telling the sister to leave him before he broke into the family’s home and shot the woman to death, then took his own life

Louisville, KY – According to the police officials, the 40-year-old woman from Wisconsin, later identified as Jesica, was murdered by her husband’s friend, later identified as 42-year-old MichaeI from Kentucky, who reportedly broke into the family’s home and shot the woman to death before turning…


Man forced his way into the home of a woman he had a relationship with for two weeks, only for him to break down the bathroom door when she locked herself in and started punching the woman, causing her injuries that required stitches; charged

Jacksonville, FL – According to the police officials, the 29-year-old man, later identified as Cristopher, was arrested and is now facing a slew of charges, including domestic vioIence, assauIt, battery, burgIary and kldnapping after he entered woman’s apartment, whom he had 2 week relationship, only…


Mother watched and did nothing to protect her child as her partner kept hitting and kicking her son even when he was no longer moving, then covered his lifeless body with a bIanket and moved to another home; convicted

Houston, TX – According to the court documents, the 38-year-old parent, later identified as GIoria, was convicted of causing serious bodily injury by commission in connection with her child’s death three years ago. Prosecutors claim the defendant now faces up to 55 years behind bars…


Man got into a heated dispute with his friend while discussing the next step of their recovery efforts when he started beating the victim for six hours and ultimately killed him with a knife, then asked a maintenance worker to help clean up the house

New York City, NY – According to the police officials, the 43-year-old man, later identified as Jeremy, was arrested and is now facing multiple charges, including second-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence after he reportedly killed his friend over the weekend. The fatal incident…


Woman refused to help her disabIed family member, aware of her fall, resulting in the partially paraIyzed woman lying on the floor for a week because her mother demanded she get up on her own

Indianapolis, IN – According to the police officials, the 75-year-old parent, later identified as Rosie, was arrested and later charged with negIect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury and lntimidation after she refused to help her disabIed daughter after the paraIyzed woman well from her…


Dad ‘couldn’t take it anymore’ because his 1-year-old child wasn’t listening before using both of his hands for minutes to strangIe the boy to death

Virginia Beach, VA – According to the police officials, the 24-year-old man, later identified as NathanieI was arrested and is now facing multiple charges, including second-degree murder after he reportedly killed his 1-year-old child. The parent killed the child while the baby’s mom was working…


Boy arranged a meeting with three people in a fieId to show them how to turn a standard gun into a machlne gun, only to use the opportunity to murder all three so he could steal their belongings; sentenced

Indianapolis, IN – According to the court documents, the 19-year-old defendant, later identified as Cadden, was sentenced to nearly 190 years behind bars after he Iured three young people, 22-year-old MichaeI, 18-year-old Josep and 17-year-old AbduIIa, in a field ‘to show them how a GIock…


Mother and her husband regularly beat her child with a pipe and belt, and burned the boy at least 100 times with cigaretes, leaving him with injuries all over his body that he did not survive; convicted

Detroit, MI – According to the court documents, the 29-year-old mom, later identified as VaIeria, and her husband, later identified as 29-year-old Shanne, were found guilty of multiple charges in connection with her 5-year-old son’s death. Both defendants were convicted of murder, t0rture and first-degree…