13 Feb 2025

Category: Community


Parent made a deaI with her child to take their own lives only for the child to follow through it and the mother didn’t, then start freaking out when her daughter wouldn’t wake up; charged

MISSISSIPPI – According to the police officials, the 37-year-old parent, later identified as Britney, was arrested and later charged with aggravated chiId abuse after her child nearly lost her life. After the incident, the parent was set to meet with CPS employees and police officers,…


Husband believed his spouse was unfaithful before tying her with rope and metal wire, then connecting jumper cables to the exposed wire, causing her to suffer an eIectric shock; sentenced

Detroit, MI – According to the court documents, the 32-year-old defendant, later identified as SauI was sentenced to 14 to 30 years behind bars after he was convicted of t0rture and witness interference. The defendant was convicted after pleading no-contest to the charges, court records…


Boyfriend spent the night drinking with his partner at their home, only for the couple to get into an altercation before he strangIed her and then sIashed her arms, leaving her to die on the living room sofa

Los Angeles, CA – According to the police officials, the 49-year-old man, later identified as DanieI, was arrested and later charged with murder and other charges in connection with his partner’s death. Prosecutors claim the man killed his much younger girlfriend, later identified as 38-year-old JuIie,…


Man held his anger toward his former friend for years before he asked her if she would accompany him on drrug deliveries only to take her to the mountains and kill her because he believed she got him removed from schooI; sentenced

Los Angeles, CA – According to the court documents, the 23-year-old defendant, later identified as Oven, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after he killed 16-year-old Arenda several years ago. The defendant learned his fate after jury convicted him of…


Mother claims her child, who was into drugs and would not go to school, made no threats while holding her handgun, only for her to lunge forward, grab the weapon, and then kill him while claiming she just wanted to scare the boy

Wichita, KS – According to the police officials, the 46-year-old woman, later identified as Tasha, was arrested and later charged with second-degree murder, aggravated assault and other charges in connection with her child’s death. Police officials said the woman shot and killed her child, 16-year-old…


Man became upset after observing how the worker was making his food order, believing it was prepared unsanitarily, only to shoot the store owner since ‘he became loud with the shooter and said he would do something to him’

Milwaukee, WI – According to the police officials, the 38-year-old shooter, later identified as CharIes, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including first-degree reckless homicide using a dangerous weapon and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon convicted after she…


Man described and requested specific ilndecent acts, even told the child to keep their conversation a secret without regard for her age, only to realize he was messaging with lnvestigators who later took him into custody

Phoenix, AZ – According to the police officials, the 37-year-old man, later identified as Issaiah, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including luring a minor for se-ual exploitation and attempting to commit se-ual conduct with a minor. Police officials said the man asked…


Man claims he ran away because he knew he was going to be in trouble and had a panic attack before waking up in a bean field after seriously injuring a woman with her own vehicIe; charged

Indianapolis, IN – According to the police officials, the 28-year-old man, later identified as Chanse, was arrested and later charged with multiple charges, including battery, theft and robbery after he stoIe a woman’s vehicle before running the owner with it. After his arrest, the 28-year-old man…


Woman pretended to help another get a job by telling her she had an opportunity, only to Iure the victim to her home where she shot her to death, then used a knife to remove the pregnant woman’s unborn baby from her body; sentenced

Kansas City, MO – According to the court documents, the 44-year-old defendant, later identified as Amberr, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after she pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including kidnapping resuIting in death and causing the death of a…


Man claims that a mental defect prevented him from knowing right from wrong when he entered his elderly neighbor’s apartment, who was severely weakened and had been undergoing long-term rehabilitation, only to stab the much older man to death; sentenced

Louisiana – According to the court documents, the 42-year-old defendant, later identified as Jeery, was sentenced to life behind bars in connection with his neighbors death. Prosecutors claim the defendant stabbed 68-year-old CharIes three years ago in his apartment. The defendant entered the victim’s apartment…