Los Angeles, CA – According to the court documents, the 51-year-old dad, later identified as Robbert, is now facing more than three decades behind bars after pleading guilty to attempted murder and kldnapping in connection with June 2020 incident that nearly killed his two toddler daughters. Prosecutors claim the parent reportedly abducted his two children before he intentionaIIy drove off a cIiff into a water. The father reportedly tried to kill his two children and himself following an argument with the victims’ mom. 

During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the father abducted the children from his parents’ home after a planned visit the previous evening and drove off with them. The investigation process began after the victims’ mom called the authorities and told them that her children’s dad took the children without permission. The ex-wife also told authorities that her husband sent her messaged, in which he reportedly threatened to kill the children. 

The woman also told authorities that her ex-husband also sent her messages in which he said that he will drive himself and their children off a cIiff. The parent, while out of jail on bond, drove off the cIiff with the children inside the vehicle. Luckily, the children survived  with serious injuries. Right before the incident, the children’s dad even posted on his social media page that ‘tonight, he is sending his babies to heaven’.

One of the responding officers used a dog leash to get down and save the children. While he was saving them, the defendant reportedly yeIIed about his ex-wife. The 51-year-old dad will be sentenced next month and is facing more than three decades behind bars, court records say.