A 14-year-old male was shot during an altercation with an unidentified suspect.
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police report, Chattanooga Police Department officers responded to a shooting call at the 3200 block of Through Street near the Eastdale neighborhood. This unfortunate incident occurred around 6:30 p.m. Thursday night. When the officers arrived on scene, they found…
A person was severely injured in a shooting near Alton Park
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police report, this unfortunate incident happened around 5 p.m. Friday afternoon on the 700 block of East 48th Street. According to the police officials, the victim’s injuries were life threatening. The man has been transported to the hospital. If…
This is why you should use baby powder in your garden – You’d wish you knew this trick much earlier!
This trick with baby powder will make your flowers bloom! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or you’re just starting out; you want your flowers to thrive. This is not just because you want all of your hard work to pay off, but also because a garden…
The Tennessee Department of Health 1,514 new cases, putting the state at 779,449 total cases
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, there are currently 13,483 active COVID-19 cases in the state. Unfortunately, the Tennessee Department of Health also confirmed 42 additional deaths, bringing the state up to 11,501 total deaths. The state reported 864 people are currently hospitalized in…
CPD is investigating after a man was shot Thursday night
TENNESSEE – According to the police officials, this unfortunate incident happened around 8:40 p.m. on North Access Road near the Grimes Soccer Complex and Dupont Park. A man was injured in the lower part of his body. CPD has not yet shared information on a possible…
A Chattanooga-based National Guard unit is about to head overseas
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, the Tennessee National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 181st Field Artillery Regiment is leaving this weekend for a ten month deployment to the Middle East. The Regiment also has units in Pulaski, Lawrenceburg, Fayetteville and Dayton. More than 350 soldiers will…
Chattanooga Police Department officers responded to a stabbing on Windsor Street
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, this unfortunate incident occurred around 12:30a.m. early Friday morning. According to the police report, when Chattanooga Police Department officers arrived on scene, they found a man with cuts on his face. The severity of his injuries are unclear….
You won’t believe what might happen if you stick colored tape over your phone’s camera! Unbelievable!
Smartphones are amazing. Of course, you can use it to call and text with, but you can also play games, use it a diary and use an endless amount of handy apps. And then there’s the camera, which is a feature everyone loves. We usually…
Help is on the way for Tennesseans who need assistance paying their rent because of the COVID-19 pandemic
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency has opened an online portal that allows renters and landlords to apply for up to 12 months of rent through its new COVID-19 rent relief program. Renters and landlords are also able to…
More than 1 million Tennesseans will soon become eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine
Chattanooga, TN – According to the officials, the new eligibility will apply to people age 16 and older who have high-risk health conditions — including cancer, hypertension, obesity and pregnancy — as well as caregivers and household residents of medically fragile children. People from Tennessee should…