A UTC student sacrificed his life to protect his girlfriend
Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, the incident happened nearly a year ago, but the men charged weren’t arrested until last weekend. The 20-year-old Holman Tanner threw himself in front of the two suspects to keep his girlfriend safe during the March 2020 robbery….
Police dash cam captures mother tackle suspect accused of peeking in daughter’s bedroom
Mothers will do anything to protect their children, right? It was shortly after 7 a.m. when she returned to her home in Texas and spotted a man looking into her 15-year-old daughter’s window. She immediately called police. The man, identified as Zane Hawkins, 19-year-old, took off, but…
The Hamilton County Health Department has added 4,597 first dose Pfizer appointments to the schedule
Hamilton County – According to the officials, with the increase in doses, the Health Department announces the opening of a third vaccination site located at the Enterprise South Nature Park, 190 Still Hollow Loop, Chattanooga, TN 37416. New First Dose Appointments February 15-18 at the…
The City of Chattanooga has fired a part-time library specialist for destroying books
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, the officials accused Cameron Dequintez Williams of taking books from conservative authors and burning them in December. Cameron Dequintez Williams led several protests last year in Chattanooga and was charged with blocking streets during them. The officials held…
The Tennessee Department of Health reported 2,947 new cases
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, there are currently 25,611 active COVID-19 cases in the state. The Tennessee Department of Health confirmed 100 additional COVID-19 related deaths, bringing the state up to 10,731 total deaths. The state has added 1,081 deaths so far in…
Two women, including mother protecting underage rape victim, are murdered by hitmen hired by the rape accused
A 34-year-old mother from Louisiana is being hailed a hero after she died trying to protect her daughter from cold-blooded murders. Brittany’s brother, Breaux Cormier, 35, a convicted sex offender, was allegedly arrested for third-degree rape of his niece, Brittany’s daughter. His victim, whose name…
The local residents are set to decide their future
Chattanooga, TN – According to the statement, early voting for the Chattanooga Municipal Election are underway on Wednesday. Chattanoogians will be able to vote early through Thursday, February 25th. As we mentioned before, 15 candidates running for mayor. All are looking to replace current Mayor Andy Berke,…
The CPD responded to a fire at a parking garage
Chattanooga, TN – According to the officials, it happened on Spears Avenue off of Cherokee Boulevard near Downtown Chattanooga. It occurred around 3:10 a.m. Wednesday. There was a dumpster fire at the parking garage. This story will be updated when new information is avaliable.