Tennessee – Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee delivered his seventh State of the State address, presenting a $59.5 billion budget proposal focused on economic opportunity, education, public safety, and infrastructure.

Key highlights include:

– **Economic Development:** $35.6 million for the Rainy Day Fund, $25 million for FastTrack grants, and $45.8 million for rural development.
– **Infrastructure & Housing:** $1 billion for TDOT projects and $60 million for a starter home loan fund.
– **Education:** $198.4 million for teacher bonuses, $145.9 million for Education Freedom Scholarships, and $12 million for TennesseeWORKS scholarships.
– **Public Safety:** $130 million for the Violent Crime Intervention Fund and funding for 117 additional State Troopers.
– **Energy & Conservation:** $50 million for nuclear energy development and $52 million to create five new state parks.

Gov. Lee emphasized Tennessee’s strong fiscal position and commitment to long-term growth.