Tennessee – The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is now accepting applications for the first round of solid waste materials management grants for communities and other eligible entities across the state.

Applications for Waste Reduction and Organics Management grants will be available from February 28 to April 11. These grants are open to municipalities, counties, and not-for-profit entities. Additionally, Technical Assistance grants will be available from February 28 to March 28 for Development Districts to provide free assistance with annual solid waste reporting and grant activities for all municipalities and counties.

Applications for grants in other categories of solid waste materials management will open in the coming weeks.

The Materials Management Grants Administration Program, part of TDEC’s Division of Solid Waste Management, aims to encourage and support local communities in achieving their solid waste and recycling goals. Local governments can use the grants to divert more waste from landfills, enhance infrastructure, and provide residents with convenient opportunities to engage in recycling. Recycling plays a significant role in supporting Tennessee’s residents and manufacturers who use collected materials in their processes.

The grants will be offered in the following categories:

– Waste Reduction and Organics Management Grants: Feb. 28-April 11
– Technical Assistance Grants: Feb. 28-March 28
– Convenience Center and Used Oil Grants: May 15-June 30
– Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Facility Operations, Recycling Equipment, and Recycling Rebates: Sept. 4-Oct. 15

For more information, check the TDEC website or contact the division for detailed guidelines and deadlines.