Chattanooga, TN – According to the police officials, the report underscores the diligent endeavors of the committed and skilled personnel of the Chattanooga Police Department, whose steadfast dedication has led to a noteworthy 12% decrease in overall crime rates from 2022 to 2023.

This achievement reflects the department’s steadfast pursuit of excellence in safeguarding the well-being of Chattanooga’s residents, workforce, and visitors alike.

Chief Celeste Murphy expressed gratitude for the hard work and dedication exhibited by the department’s personnel, remarking, “The Chattanooga Police Department is fortunate to have such devoted and proficient members devoted to upholding the safety of our community.

The decline in crime stands as a testament to their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment.

They labor tirelessly each day to address the needs of the community and resolve cases, delivering justice for crime victims.”